
Just another blog.......

Hey People!

See that link up there??? Click it people! Those are the songs I currently like. Lemme tell ya bout' em'! (they are not ordered by which I like most, they're not ordered at all!!)

Number 1: "Love Story" by Taylor Swift! It's a real popular song! It's #1 on iTunes's Country songs! It's really great! Kim Maddie Likey! : ) !!! Haha ( just went into my personal bubble there for a second :))

Numbah 2: "So Close" by Jennette McCurdy. Yep! It's Sam Puckett on iCarly! Yeah, I didn't know she could sing REAL good either. Anyway, most of ya don't know that song. It is REALLY great! I love it! Go Jennette!! Hahaha : ).....

Number Thrrrreeee: "Poker Face" by Lady GaGa. MuhMuhMuhMah : )! That is such a contagious, sticky, catchy song people!! That's a warning! Once you've heard it, it will repeat over and over again in your head! It's a super great song though :D!!

Numberrrrrrrrrrrr..... Fourrrrrrrrr: "Disturbia" by Rihanna : ) ! BumBumBiDumBumBumBiDumDum, What's wrong with me? !! Haha:)!! Such a wonderful song! It is also: Contagious, Sticky, Catchy!! :D Hehehe!! I LUV R&B Princess Rihanna!

That's it People!

Peace Out!

-Kim Maddie : )

2 Friendly Comments : ) (BE FRIENDLY)!!!:

Overworked Teen said...

I LOVE LOVE STORY! Besides If We Were A Movie By Myley Cyrus, That's my fav song!

Dominique said...

Ughh yeah! But it's spelled Miley not Myley... Anyway, Great!