
Woogi World Idea :)

That is a site where kids learn internet safety, nutrition and other important stuff you gotta learn! :)! It's a realllllllyyy fun site! Visit to have an update of all the wonderful stuff happening on woogi world. My name there is bubblecute.

The real reason why I made this postis to tell you this: Woogi World's top scientist, Dr. Wiggenstein is making HUGE changes to Woogi World.. Making it better actually.. So I have a suggestion:

To make a GINORMOUS digital clock in the middle of Woogi World. Which displays Woogi World Time. This is great because there are many different time zones in the world so it's pretty hard planing parties, but if they do my idea, woogies can easily plan parties! Like for example, woogie1 is planning a party. The current time on The Woogi World Clock is 3:15. He tells his friends that he is going to have a party from 3:30 pm till 5:30 pm WWT (stands for Woogi World Time). Comment on this for feedback on my idea. Thanks A Lot!

-Kim Maddie/bubblecute


Our World!

Hey Guys! So I found this new site and it is AWESOME!! Come and Join!


We're selling a house and a lot!!

Hey Guys!!

So uhhh... Yeah we're selling a house and a lot! Here are the details:

The Lot Area is maybe 282 square meters. I'm not so sure...... It's located at Stonecrest Village, Villa Olympia, Laguna, Luzon, Philippines, Asia, Earth, Milkyway Galaxy, Universe..... Haha : )! It's has 2 floors. Anyway, it's already fully furnished! Yes, with a flat screen LCD T.V.!! But you have to buy cable ( awwww maaannnn!!) !!! There is already a stove, a washing machine ( I'm not sure if there's a dryer), a terrace ( woohoooo!!!) , it has 4 bedrooms,  2 of them are maid's/housekeeper's bedrooms. 3 Bathrooms, one on the 2nd floor, one on the first floor and one in the main bedroom. I'll try to post a pic of it whenever. Thanks! For more details call our landline: 808-2049. Only people in the Philippines can do that. E-mail me at: Please no spam!!!

Thank You!!

-Kim Maddie : )

Just another blog.......

Hey People!

See that link up there??? Click it people! Those are the songs I currently like. Lemme tell ya bout' em'! (they are not ordered by which I like most, they're not ordered at all!!)

Number 1: "Love Story" by Taylor Swift! It's a real popular song! It's #1 on iTunes's Country songs! It's really great! Kim Maddie Likey! : ) !!! Haha ( just went into my personal bubble there for a second :))

Numbah 2: "So Close" by Jennette McCurdy. Yep! It's Sam Puckett on iCarly! Yeah, I didn't know she could sing REAL good either. Anyway, most of ya don't know that song. It is REALLY great! I love it! Go Jennette!! Hahaha : ).....

Number Thrrrreeee: "Poker Face" by Lady GaGa. MuhMuhMuhMah : )! That is such a contagious, sticky, catchy song people!! That's a warning! Once you've heard it, it will repeat over and over again in your head! It's a super great song though :D!!

Numberrrrrrrrrrrr..... Fourrrrrrrrr: "Disturbia" by Rihanna : ) ! BumBumBiDumBumBumBiDumDum, What's wrong with me? !! Haha:)!! Such a wonderful song! It is also: Contagious, Sticky, Catchy!! :D Hehehe!! I LUV R&B Princess Rihanna!

That's it People!

Peace Out!

-Kim Maddie : )


Yesterday's Disaster.... (my 1st blog entry)

Hey People!! This is my first blog entry! I just thought of it moments ago. Haha... So here's my story:

Okay, yesterday was a disaster. But not real big disaster, just minor disaster. Yesterday's disaster was a storm. I was not outside during the storm if that's what you think. I was on the laptop just minding my own business. I was playing a game on and I was on the last level. The game is not savable. I can only be saved if you finished it. So I was just about to finish it, then suddenly..... The internet disconnected!!!! Our internet connection is wireless so maybe the storm disconnected it. It was a DISASTER!! And now, I have to start ALL OVER AGAIN!! It is very irritating, annoying etc. which ever term you wish to call it.... blah... blah... blah....

Bye bye!! 

         Till my next entry,
 Kim Maddie